Challenger F3A aerobatic model designed buy Steven Burgess
You mite of herd of the Challenger the model was well known as is the designer and pilot Steven burgess
The old Challenger in its time was designed for the latest aerobatic schedules and done well in the competitions! And championships
This website is partly to promote the new challenger but to also to give information about the original challenger and
to keep this little part of Scottish f3a history alive for new comers to view!
At the time when the challenger was built it was designed to fly in the championships with some of the top pilots and there
models! Most models at the time were designed buy there pilots and it was great to see Scotland G/B holding its own with the
challenger as now days we see pilots flying kits build/designed from al over the world
The Challenger 2009 is here re designed buy Steven Burgess Malcolm Harris it’s also a modified version of the 2000
With the Professional Assistance and expertise from Mr John Mitchell, Aircraft Designer and builder Who with his building
skills he helped a great deal in the method of construction and building of the new Challenger thanks to him for making this
old dream come alive eventually for 2008/9
The Prototype is here and soon we will have made modifications to the plans once the prototype has been flown and tested
buy some of the top pilots in Scottish F3A aerobatics hopefully the model will be build for electric to the highest set up
and standards available to us at the moment though until test are done we will be sticking to the well known glow engine YS
110 which we will be using in the models that are built, the weight and performance of the engine goes well with the size
of the model!
I could write a book about the construction the headaches instead I will tell you the main changes from the old one and
the history of both models a full review of the 2008 model and the review of the old challenger with some pictures and contact
information if you would like to find out more